in my nightmares, everyone's hair is braided
There were a lot of really young kids, like four-year-olds, at the screening of Monster House today. They are going to have nightmares now. I mean, I was scared at some parts, and I am twenty-six. (My little sister laughed at me whenever I jumped.) My mom told me that when I was little, but not even that little, like maybe seven, they couldn't even watch Anne of Green Gables with me because I would get too worked up. And apparently, whenever there was a particularly dramatic scene, I would walk over to the TV and turn it off. In the middle of some intensely emotional scene that my mother was undoubtedly completely wrapped up in. (Probably when what's his name dies, I am guessing. I don't remember any of this at all.) I just decided nope, we are not watching this anymore, and I turned it off! It was too much for me! I couldn't handle all of the emotions! BECAUSE I FEEL TOO MUCH. I still have this problem. After a beat, my mom said, "I used to do this meditation excercise where you visualize like a ball of light in front of you, and whenever negative emotions emanate from elsewhere you visualize them going into the ball instead of into you and that way they can't reach you and you're protected. [pause] No, really, it was good! I used to do it and it worked. [pause, glances at my father] Hmm, maybe I should start doing it again." Me: "...." I remember having nightmares about the movie Heidi when I was little. I was totally traumatized. By HEIDI. Because, I think maybe someone in a wheelchair gets pushed and falls down at some point? WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THAT?!?!?! OH THE HUMANITY.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."