From today's Onion:
Mom Finds Out About Blog: "In a turn of events the 30-year-old characterized as "horrifying," Kevin Widmar announced Tuesday that his mother Lillian has discovered his weblog."
Woman Mentally Breaks Up With Colin Farrell: "It got to where I couldn't fantasize about us being together without constantly wondering if he would run around on me," Lentz said. "If he's cheated on women before, I couldn't see why I'd be an exception. He's just not worth the heartache."
The first time I read the Onion I didn't realize that it was satire and actually reported the "facts" of one of the articles to a friend of mine (do not judge me! I was young and innocent!). I eventually realized my error, but never confessed to my friend that what I told her was a lie. I totally remember which article it was, but I'm so not telling.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."