My Middle Sister has been in town this week and has conspired to get my Mother and Little Sister to drive in tomorrow so that we can all hang out together and have a day of doing things like shopping, eating out and going to a movie. And then Middle Sister and I can get a ride back with them to My Hometown and not have to pay a trillion dollars to take the bus. Middle Sister is brilliant at scheming like this. But of course, there is a flaw to this plan. The flaw being that both my sisters apparently like really bad movies. They also, apparently, (for who could believe such a thing?) really like Julia Roberts. This does not bode well. Witness:
[after a long story about how much she liked Beyond Borders]
Middle Sister: ... And I really wanna see Mona Lisa Smile!
Me: You do?!
She: You don't?!
[after a long story about how much she liked She's All That]
Little Sister: ...Mona Lisa Smile looks good!
Me: OHMYGOD PLEASE NO. Isn't there anything else you want to see?
She: Well, what about Honey?
I want to cry.
(And I probably will, in the theatre.)
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."