the healing power of cbc
This has to be a good sign.
I turned on the radio and the first song I heard was Beautiful, by Danny Michel, which is my current favourite song in the whole world, and which I haven't been able to listen to recently since I left my CD at my parents' house, where I had it on repeat all through the holidays. That is one long sentence, but the point is that I cranked that sucker up and was giddily happy for the first time in days.
So, as if that wasn't good enough, then they play Fred Penner's Friend Like You, which pretty much exactly describes how I'm feeling and is such a cute song. I wish I could find the lyrics for you, but I can't, because it's a kid's song and the internet doesn't care.
And then, while I was already high on music, they played Kris Demeanor's This Old House, which is a song that I absolutely love and that you never get to hear on the radio because it is so twisted. But that is what makes it so awesome!
I feel much, much better today.
But I'm still not going to work tomorrow.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."