all monsters and dust


"if today is your birthday..." : a compilation

"Happy Birthday: This can be a great year for you if you aspire to reach your goals. It's the time of new beginnings and you must let down your guard and stop fearing failure. Success will not elude you this year. Your numbers are 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 49"

"This is the year for clearing your plate for bigger, better and more just deserts. Next month, complete projects (even ancient ones) that have somehow been left unfinished. Someone will help you celebrate in style. Major moves are made without warning in the spring, which could cause stress but will also be fabulous for your life in the long run. Your lucky numbers are 30, 1, 12, 33 and 9."

"According to your birthday chart, life would be a lot easier for you, and a lot more enjoyable, if you did not take yourself quite so seriously. That applies to all areas of your existence, but especially to money matters and business issues. Yes, of course, they are important, but not so important that you think of nothing else."

"Enjoy your birthday but give serious thought to restructuring your life so as to make the rest of it more fulfilling and successful than hitherto. You must resolve to help yourself otherwise you may simply sink into a much deeper rut."

"This year, you become interested in finding out what's real and what can be built upon. You'll want to go back to the basics, both in your research and in your life. There's work to be done, but don't shy away from it. There's money to be made."

"Between now and your next birthday, you can make considerable progress in the year ahead in advancing your personal interests by setting worthy goals and staying focused on your objectives."

"Start keeping a dream notebook or a tape recorder by your bed. Often you will be challenged by those around you or events in your daily life."

"The stars are on your side today. . .professionally speaking, everything falls into place. The universe has been testing you--positive things are on the horizon in many areas of your life. It is possible you made a job change last year and the time of testing is just about complete. Your identity is evolving, and at no time is the growth more obvious than now. You are able to see yourself in a new light and may decide to purchase finer suits for the work place. Anything that seems like pressure from close relationships right now are more for your benefit--it would be wise to just go with the flow. Ask yourself if you know the truth about any particular situation--you are learning very well. There is harmony this evening and a party may evolve--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Your lucky number is 4." Well, that's true.


"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."


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    quotation by oscar wilde

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