things that i have stolen back from people
after they stole them from me
1. My purple shell, stolen by my best friend Gabrielle, who lived across the street, circa Grade 2.
2. My Beck CD, stolen by my evil rez roommate, first year at university.*
3. My recycling box, stolen by the people who live across the street, yesterday.
*Ok, so it turned out that this was a big mistake on my part. My evil roommate had not stolen my Beck CD, I had lost it, and my roommate had meanwhile legitimately purchased an identical one. Unfortunately, I had no way of knowing this at the time that I discovered what I thought was my CD in my roommate's CD player, since we pretty much hated each other at that point and were no longer on speaking terms (we still to this day ignore one another if we happen to pass on the street). I don't know if she suspected I had stolen her CD, but we both started locking our bedroom doors soon afterward. I didn't discover my mistaken theft until the day I was moving out of that apartment and found my Beck CD wedged in the crack between my bed and the wall. The roommate had moved out months earlier.
Hey evil ex-roommate #1 (first of several), sorry that I stole your CD that I thought you had stolen from me! Also, sorry that I stole some of your stash out of pure, malicious spite.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."