staunch the blood of countless tiny cuts
I've been running around with a chicken on my head these past couple days, trying to get done in a couple days all things I had a month to do but did not. Because, really, why do things with efficiency and order over the course of 30 days when you can do them sloppily and haphazardly in a delusional sleep-deprived haze over the course of two?
I was going to tell you about how my mother now wants to leave TOMORROW, a day early, thus wreaking havoc with my detailed last-minute-squeeze-everything-in plan, but I started to black out while typing this and I haven't packed anything yet, so I really have to go.
As long as I don't get killed, hospitalized or arrested for a drug crime, I will be back in ten days.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."