i have not played risk in years but this makes me want to
An Open Letter to William Kristol et al: "Why didn't you tell President Bush to invade Western Australia first? I've been playing Risk: The Game of Global Domination since I was eight years old and never, never have I seen someone win the game by massing their forces in the Middle East at the beginning of the game. Too many borders! Impossible to reinforce! Enemies from all directions! Australia, on the other hand, is easily conquered. Start in Western Australia, make a straight-line march through eastern Australia, then on into New Zealand and New Guinea, and finally up to Siam, sealing the entire continent and guaranteeing an extra two armies per turn for the duration of game."
There were some good letters in response:
"In John Warner's letter to President Bush, et al., he claimed that the best way to win the game of Risk is to attack Australia first. This is a very common folly that is most often seen in inexperienced or idiotic players. It has been a long time since I have seen anyone win with that strategy. If you attempt it against me, I will roll over you like a cheap thing that gets rolled over on a regular basis. The best strategy in Risk is to try and seal up two continents: North and South America. I prefer to begin with North America, as I'm sure Bush would prefer this as well. Blitz the continent in the early moves and make sure that you seal it off at Greenland, Central America, and Alaska. That's five new pieces in your control. It might take you two or three moves to complete the take of the continent, but in the end, it will most likely be worth the effort.
Yes, I know what you're saying: there are too many sides to defend! It's too risky! God, shut up. The name of the game is risk. And that's not even a clever pun or catch phrase, because that is quite literally the name of the game. You have to take some risks to win. Otherwise, not only do you get bored, rotting away in Australia, but you also ultimately lose.
In conclusion, Bush's absolute best option in his quest for world domination was to sack Canada."
"At the risk (ha-ha) of encouraging a deluge of letters on the subject (and being part of that deluge myself), I must take issue with Kyle McGivney's strategy for global conquest in Risk. Beginning in the Americas is a good option -- true -- but John Warner's strategy of beginning in Australia is more universal.
Of course, now that the cat's out of the bag (thanks, John), the Australia strategy is almost as bad as a land war in Asia."
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."