all monsters and dust


spring forward, fall back down

If anyone wants to start a campaign to have Daylight Saving Time permanently replace Standard Time, I will totally get behind that. I will vote for it or sign a petition or go to rallies or write letters to People In Charge Of These Kinds Of Decisions (who are they?). Whatever's necessary.

I like Daylight Saving, because it is still light out when I leave work and I feel like the day still has potential. It's invigorating. I can read in the park for an extra hour! I can walk down alleys that would normally be dark and dangerous, but due to Daylight Saving, are still lit and safe!

Also, as my cousin points out, there is no need for the sun to rise at 5am. 6am is plenty early. This is especially true if you are a mother of young children who wake with the sun. Give mothers a break! Daylight Saving Forever!

It's all this switching around that's pointless. I don't get it. Someone at work today (though far from a credible source) told me that we switch to Daylight Saving in order to save electricity. I don't really understand why this would be, but if people buy this argument, why are we not saving electricity in the winter? Powers That Be, please explain.

Oh. Well, these people say that it was instituted to "save energy for war production by taking advantage of the later hours of daylight between April and October." Is it just me or does this NOT MAKE ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER? We have exactly the same amount of daylight, regardless of what time the clocks say it is. Why not just make people wake up earlier or something? I mean, if there is a war on, maybe they will be understanding.

It seems much more complicated to force everyone to change all the clocks in their house and be an hour late for everything and feel really tired for a week until their biorhythms readjust.

In conclusion, I like Daylight Saving Time, but I do not like having to lose an hour of sleep to get it. Thus, DAYLIGHT SAVING ALL THE TIME is the perfect solution.

Someone please get on this right away. I would, but I have to go catch up on some sleep -- when I am sleep deprived I get very cranky.


"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."


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