all monsters and dust


Here are some conversations that explain to you the mindset I have been in:

Me: Hey, listen, it might rain. So if you're going to walk you should bring an umbrella.
H: Oh, really?
M: Yeah, 30% chance.
H: Whatever. I don't believe in that.
M: What are you talking about? A 30% chance means that three out of ten times it's going to rain. You just don't know when those three times are going to be.
H: So, live in fear, in other words.
M: Yes.

D: Wow, you are less and less impressed every time I do that.
Me: Yeah, I think it's adaptation.
D: Adaptation?
M: Yeah, like the first time something happens it's a big deal but every time after that it's less and less impressive because you get used to it.
D: Hmm. Ok, I guess that could be true.
M: I think it's true for all of human experience.
D: All human experience, wow. That's kind of big.
M: But true.
D: Ok. Wait. What about this: I really like burritos. And I think that every time I eat a burrito it's enjoyable. Or, at least 99% as enjoyable as the first time I ate a burrito.
M: See, I think it's probably 99% as enjoyable as the last time you ate a burrito. Every time you eat a burrito it is a tiny bit less enjoyable. So over time, if you eat enough burritos, they won't be as exciting anymore.
D: Well, yeah, maybe if I ate, like, a million burritos. But I've probably only had a couple hundred at this point and I don't eat them that often so I don't think--
M: Well, sure, but listen, if you ate burritos every day you'd get sick of them pretty fast. That's my point.
D: Damn. Wow. Life is really depressing. (walks away)
M: (calls after him) Sorry!
D: (talking to someone else, around the corner) Hey, if you ever want to be depressed sometime, just go talk to Laura.


Me: So, how do like this stupid weather?
A: Actually, I don't mind the snow. I like snow.
M: No, it's the wind that I don't like.
A: Actually, it's not that windy out right now. It's pretty nice.
M: Oh.
A: I mean the wind is sort of blowing the snow around...
M: See, that's what I don't like.
A: Ok, but I much prefer wind that is sort of gently blowing the snow around to, like, gale force.
M: Ok, but it's supposed to get worse out later.
A: Yeah.
M: So I guess I'm complaining in anticipation of that.


"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."


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