I just want to say happy birthday to Phil, who turns 24 today. We discussed how 24 is not really a milestone year and Phil said that he is going to "get a jump on 25," by which he means treat this birthday as if it really matters and means he should start really living his life before he gets old and has nothing to show for it. If there was one thing to be learned from Heather, it's that. She had everything to show for the short time she had.
Phil drives me crazy most of the time with his peanut butter and mustard sandwiches and his wearing shorts in the winter and his need to know how everything physically works and his ability to live in a bubble that is freaking hermetically sealed off from all knowledge of current events and popular culture; but I know that we will be friends forever because I can say anything to him and do things he disapproves of, and he still always gives me unconditional love and support and bad advice. And two out of three sure ain't bad.
Happy birthday, dude.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."