all monsters and dust


Tuesday sucked ass, so yesterday I stayed home from work in order to take apart my computer and clean it (for the first time ever -- it was disgustingly dusty) and then rearrange my furniture in order to make room for my lovely, new computer desk. I love my new desk. I also love my new sandals, which cost almost exactly the same amount as my desk (a lot). So now I've got at least two things going for me.

Rearranging furniture is always therapeutic. Somehow working on the problem of where to move my table to can laterally translate into working on the problem of how to deal with... well, all my problems. It's like the organization of my apartment is a smaller version of the organization of my universe and by rearranging my furniture I can see things I couldn't see before and discover ways that things can work and fit together. My spacial intelligence is pretty lacking, so it's extra good for me to exercise that part of my brain. It's also a nice way to make things that were getting stagnant and stale feel new again. If I can do it with my furniture, I can do it with my life! (Theoretically.)

Today, I had a hilarious IM conversation with Megan, and Phil told me Joey might be able to go to PEI at the beginning of September which is AWESOME because I was worried it wasn't going to happen and I need that trip. I listened to some good episodes of This American Life (the one about the best answering machine message ever is gold). Then I met up with Jason and we went to this Vietnamese restaurant that serves General Tao's tofu, which I had never had before and discovered is delicious. J said he will send me a postcard, which just pretty much made my day.

So, overall, things are kind of up and down.


"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."


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