the fascist in me
My Father: Every American I talk to is praying Bush won't be re-elected.
Me: Every intelligent American is praying Bush won't be re-elected.
MF: There're a lot of unintelligent Americans, by your definition.
Me: I know, there're a lot of unintelligent people period, by my definitions.
MF: We have to live with those unintelligent people too, though.
Me: I know we do. Because they seem to breed faster than the intelligent ones do.
MF: That's true, they do.
Me: I know it's true, I just said it.
MF: That was Mr. Hitler's policy too, limiting who could breed.
Me: Because smart people understand overpopulation, and planned parent-- wait, did you just compare me to Hitler?!
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."