love you anyway
So, New Orleans got through Ivan basically unharmed and I now feel extremely guilty, as though my wishing for New Orleans to be spared is directly responsible for Mobile getting hit instead. Who am I to say that New Orleans is any more worthy than Mobile, or for that matter, Florida or Granada? And, god, how awful is it that I only care about the devastation when it affects me personally (by causing a potential hitch in my travel plans) and hardly even get worked up when an entire island is completely destroyed and people are starving to death? The answer is really goddamn awful.
I am pretty sure there is no good way to change the subject now that is not really awkward, so I will just transition by saying that my sister is apparently safe in Houston, TX, and is scheduled to return to school on Monday. So, I am grateful for that.
Now that we are gracefully onto the subject of my family, let me tell you how my mother is doing: she is really stressed out. She is teaching more classes this year. When I talk to her, she sounds really harried and when I email her to ask why she is not using her new email account that I lovingly set up for her, well, I get this in response:
I can't remember how to do it! What was my password? What was my e-mail address? Did I write it down anywhere? I have too much in my brain right now. I am going to look at dishwashers.
Love Mom
So, I email back to tell her that I set it all up to be maximum easy and she doesn't need to remember anything, etc. Just like I told her when I set it all up. And, I ask, what is up with the dishwasher?! Her response:
The dishwasher stopped working last week. New ones are expensive but ours is over 21 years old which means it's not worth having a repairperson fix it. So my first paycheck will probably go towards a dishwasher which has become a necessity for me. Hmmm, I wasn't too good at training my daughters to do housework, but I'm not good at it myself either.
Love you anyway.
God, I love my mom. She is so funny when she is stressed out. Also, I am a horrible person.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."