all monsters and dust

my memory is muddy what's this river that i'm in

The day before I left New Orleans, my sister and I were walking down a street along Jackson Square when a grisly and disheveled old man with a painted clown face approached us. I forget what his line was, but he basically offered to make us balloon figures for free if we didn't tell anyone. This is a pretty good line, by the way. You offer to do someone a special free favour, you chat them up and make them sympathetic to you, then you hit them up. We did not want balloon flowers, but we let the clown-faced man make them for us anyway. I guess because he seemed to want to so badly. And we are so naive.

So the clown-faced man is chatting us up while he makes us orange and blue balloon flowers. He asks us where we are from, what we do, whether we are related, who is older, etc. My sister tells him that she is a student and he asks her major. It's psychology. "Oh!" exclaims the clown-man, "That was my major too! I did a double major in psychology and political philosophy!" Once again, proving my theory that everyone and their mother is a psychology major. My sister: "Well, I guess I'll be joining you in a couple years." The man then handed us our balloons and asked for any money we could spare. Man, I bet he regrets all the tuition he paid. Go higher education! Woo!

Later, my sister gave her balloon to this cute Chinese girl who was staring at it and that little girl's smile was maybe the most beautiful thing I saw in all of New Orleans.


"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."


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