all monsters and dust

in a sauce or in a cake or a german chocolate shake

"I used to think that mousse was an animal/ Rocky Road was just a rough place to ride/Black Forest was somewhere very far away/ and Chip was a good friend of mine..." -- First verse of "Chocolate", a song that we sang in EYS (the youth choir I was in.) (Yes, I was in a youth choir.)
Crap, I should really have given up chocolate for lent. But I didn't, because 1) I am not Catholic and thus have no reason to give up anything for lent; and 2) I don't even really like chocolate all that much and rarely eat it.

But, I forgot about Cadbury Creme Eggs. They are kind of disgustingly sweet, and get old very fast, but you have to have at least ONE every year. Last week I walked in to the pharmacy and they had a big Cadbury Creme Egg display and I immediately felt that craving. I had to have a Cadbury Creme Egg. But. There were no original Creme Eggs to be found anywhere! Only Truffle Eggs, Caramilk Eggs (which are extra disgusting, FYI), White Chocolat Eggs, and like, 5 others I don't remember because I didn't try them. But none with the white insides and the creepy yellow center made of pure liquid sugar.

Almost every day since that day I have had a craving for a Cadbury Creme Eggs, and gone to the pharmacy, and left with some other form of chocolate. Because, no Cadbury Creme Eggs. And, once you have a craving for chocolate, it doesn't go away. And, I don't even really like chocolate!

Did I mention I had a BIG zit on my chin in my work photo?

I feel disgusting, but it's like I can't stop with the chocolate until I find that Cadbury Creme Egg that truly satisfies my fix. Today, while I was eating chocolate, I started craving cauliflower. The madness must end!


"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."


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