all monsters and dust

stir crazy

I rearranged my furniture this weekend, but it didn't work. And by "work" I mean "make me feel better." I felt great while I was doing it, but I worked myself up into this frenzy where I just couldn't stop and wanted to move everything. When I ran out of furniture I rearranged the kitchen cupboards. Finally I hit a wall and fell asleep. When I woke up I felt very disoriented and confused. I keep reaching for things and finding they are not there. There are lentils where the glasses used to be, for example, and it's unsettling. I don't know whether to leave it and try to adjust, or move it all back to the way that it was. I don't like either option very much.

I have March-cabin-fever. It seems like everyone I know is moving to Mexico; meanwhile, here we are in the middle of a huge blizzard. Plus I just discovered that owe a little over two thousand dollars in taxes, which is about eighteen hundred more than I have in the bank. Needless to say, I am depressed. Mainly I just dream about living in this house. And about getting a dog. Oh and if the house could be on an island, that would be great. And if the dog could be the reincarnation of my dead dog, Sugar, that would too.

Speaking of depressing things I did this weekend: Secret Window. Now, normally I would not deliberately go out and rent a movie that everyone (with the exeption of my sister, who is in love with Johnny Depp, since she got to meet him while he was filming this movie) had told me was terrible, but who can resist seeing their hometown on film? It turned out that 2 out of the 4 scenes shot there were cut out of the final picture, but it was still kind of cool to see Captain Jack Sparrow himself in the general store that I have been going to all my life. Also, I wouldn't mind living in that awesome (to me) lakefront house. (I am kind of obsessed with houses lately.) Terrible movie, though. I highly do not recommend it.


"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."


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