the first step in pet ownership
I got a fish!
[This is where I would put a picture of her, but my digital camera appears to be broken. I tried shaking it, but that didn't fix it, so now I'm out of ideas.]
I'm pretty sure she's mentally unbalanced, which is awesome. Her previous owner named her Beep Beep, after her tendency to swim backwards when she was obviously trying to swim forwards, towards food.
I have never owned a goldfish before, so I'm not entirely sure what constitutes normal behaviour, and Ali assures me Beep's directionality has improved, but her behaviour since I got her home and in the bowl (no small feat, as it involved the bag of water leaking on my lap on the metro and making it look EXACTLY like I had peed my pants. Which was sort of funny for a second, but then stopped being so.) has been erratic to say the least. First she hid behind a shell at the bottom of the bowl and did not move for like an hour, exept to breathe once and a while, until I was basically convinced that the trip had been too much for her to handle and she was about to die of nervous shock. Then, when my back was turned, she started zipping madly around the bowl, coming to a dead stop each time I turned towards her. Now she has settled into a pattern of swimming slowly around backwards, staring at me confusedly. I tell you, this fish is batshit crazy.
On the other hand, maybe I am projecting.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."