on my way to where the air is sweet
 Yours truly, watching the crazy disco pinball number count on Sesame Street, circa 1984.
These 25 Memories of Sesame Street have me so nostalgic I can't even tell you. Since all I watched or even knew existed as a child was public television, (my mother likes to remember how I would ask her if there was anything on TV and she would say 'no' and I would be all, 'O.K.' and go off and do something else instead,) Sesame Street of course played a huge role in my formative years. I hadn't thought of it in years, but if I had access to some classic 80s SS right now, I would sit down and watch for, like, hours. And there isn't much else about the 80s I would like to relive.
The only segment I can think of that is missing from this list is the peanut butter factory. I was utterly, utterly fascinated, watching the peanuts get ground up and squirted into jars. I also loved the Teeny Little Super Guy, any segment involving Grover, pretty much, and of course the Pinball Number Countdown (Twelve! Twelve! Twe-e-e-e-elve!) would make every edition of Sesame Street Top Hits.
Ah, to be four years old again, and have sunny days sweepin' the clouds away. I had awesome fashion sense, too.

[This post has been brought to you by the letter L and the number 12.]
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."