ukranian easter eggs & hamentashen
 Not pictured: chocolate sauerkraut birthday cake.
Last weekend at my parents' house was pretty holiday-intensive. In addition to making Hamentashen (very easy with a food processor) and Ukranian Easter Eggs (extremely difficult but ultimately gratifying -- mine is the one on the right; the other two are my mom's), we did a shortened reading of the Megillah (version for children) complete with rattles and hissing, and a hilarious Easter Egg hunt through 3 feet of snow in the backyard. Also it was my mother's 55th birthday (she is super psyched because now she is old enough to do Elderhostel) but the only Indian restaurant in town my parents ever go to was unexpedly (to us, anyway,) closed for Easter, so my sister and I cooked a big Indian food feast at home. The weird chocolate cake (secret ingredient: sauerkraut) was made by a friend of my mom's. Though it sounds disgusting it tasted fine. Oh, and then we had a big extended family brunch at my cousins' the next day. And then the next day my sister left for Italy. Oh, and we also watched Shaun of the Dead* twice (which I think counts as a another holiday). (Hallowe'en.) Thank god it was a long weekend. I really needed a break from my workworkwork-stress-about-money-work routine.
This weekend my plan is to do "Oh, you know" by which I mean as little as possible.
*The best special features on the DVD are the explanations of the plot holes, drawn as comics and narrated by the characters, as in "My name is Diane and this is what happened to me when I left the pub brandishing my boyfriend's leg as a cudgel..." I'm pretty sure that all special features for every DVD ever should include these.
I was supposed to get my fish yesterday, which would have been totally perfect, since it was Fish Day, but then... the Great Fish Exchange of 2005 got postponed again. So, maybe this weekend sometime. Or, you know, next week. I'm not picky. It's a free fish. In other fish-related news, we might be getting these for our office.
Finally, April + Daylight Savings Time = Me In A Much Better Mood, Thank You.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."