can fish smell gas? no? fuck it.
I missed my stop on the bus today because I was busy thinking about what a dumb name Anouk Reniere-Lafreniere is. Wouldn't Lafreniere have covered it? I think French people overdo it with the hyphenating sometimes. I mean, why didn't they just go all the way and name her Anouk-Lafanouk?
I just did my French and English entrance exams, and get this: I found the English one much harder. The topic for both was natural gas. What the FUCK do I know about natural gas? Answer: nothing. Is this supposed to be a general knowledge category? Because they are way off base there.
The first part of each exam was an article about the dangers of natural gas with a bunch of words blanked out that you had to fill in. The French one was not too bad because the missing words were mostly prepositions, so that's pretty obvious, but for the English one they were mostly nouns and verbs! I had no idea, so I was just making shit up. Like, "If the gas [blank] in the water at [blank] the fish can [blank] it, but if not it [blank] into their [blank] and stops their [blank] from [blank]."
Then we had to write an essay in each language about our opinion of natural gas. My essay basically went, "Use solar power instead, duh." I quit about half way because, honestly. I couldn't bring myself to care. Should my ability to write a cogent essay about NATURAL FUCKING GAS be the entire measurement of language skills? This seems really poorly thought out. Or maybe I am too dumb to go back to school.
I don't mind if I have to take a make-up French class, but I hope I don't fail the English section. That would be embarassing.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."