talk about the weather or how the weather used to be
Isn't it amazing how when I moved to Montreal six years ago, smog warnings were an extremely rare occurence? It's not even officially summer yet and it already seems like this year it's rare to have a day without extreme heat, humidity and smog. Driving over the Champlain Bridge yesterday was like driving into a surreal dream: the whole island was envelopped in a thick haze like I have never seen before, and you could just barely see the outlines of the buildings.
I had a fantastic weekend out in the country with my friends and family; even though it was still hot there, especially in the church where the David Francey concert was held, and even at the bar afterwards, it was it was a million times more bearable than Grand Fucking Prix weekend in Mtl.
At least my office is air conditioned so I have some incentive to get up in the morning.
Hilarious and random: Live Tetris. Aw, that poor funny-shaped piece never fits anywhere.
Also, Zombie Eat Brain, a blog written from the point of view of a zombie. I love how he has a link to Rosie O'Donnell listed under "Other Horror Blogs." "Brains. Have you ever heard someone say that a baby is so cute and cuddly, it looks good enough to eat? But then they never do.
My point is, I would make a bad babysitter.
And from a link on that blog,, a clearinghouse for brains. It must be so much easier when you can just order the brains via internet, instead of having to fight with live people to let you eat their brains.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."