hobo time
1. Halloween Controversy! "We forget sometimes there are kids who feel pressure by dressing up, and that it's not the best holiday for every kid in the world. You can be a hobo only so many times." But on the other hand, "Halloween is a flare-up of huge social problems we're facing. If you show me a United States with no holiday where you can be creatively weird, I will show you a United States with no hope."
2. "He did not always, however, give [the boy's mother] the help that she needed. Famously, she once wired him when she was desperately short of cash, saying 'Wife and baby starving send money soonest.' He characteristically replied 'Sorry no money suggest eat baby.' "
3. ''A lot of these people were the forgotten of the living and after they died they became the forgotten of the dead. If I knew I had clothes at the cleaners, I'd pick them up. If I had a loved one at the cemetery, I'd pick them up."
4. Scary things I did for Halloween: forced myself to call the phone company, which I had been putting off for, oh, a year; and let a drunk person cut my hair. (Me.) That didn't turn out so well.
"The mind of the thoroughly well informed [person] is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust, and everything priced above its proper value."